Helping You Connect the Dots on Your Career & Life

Burnout & Overwhelm

Feeling overwhelmed? Have too many plates to spin? Want to get off the hamster wheel but you’re going too fast?

You may be burning out. 

You don’t have to figure this out alone. 

Guidance Counselor for Grownups

Job, side hustle, career development, presentations, Zoom calls…modern work is pretty crazy.

Ever wish that someone could just…help you navigate the chaos?

Connect the dots to dESIGN your best life

Modern life has a whole lot of moving parts – work, side hustle, social life, family, maybe even a hobby or two. 

It’s hard to know where to focus – and easy to lose your way. How do you chart your own course in a world where you’re expected to manage everything all the time?

Take a step back, see how all the pieces fit together, and design your own best life.

Juggling all the things?

Trying to figure out the next step?

Thinking about launching a business or side hustle?

Want to level up your presentation skills?

Getting to grips with the "new normal"?

Skill Development

Level up your interview, webinar, presentation, or speaking skills

Burnout Recovery

Overcome overwhelm without giving up what matters to you

Career Guidance

Figure out where you are and what comes next

Side Hustle Skills

Launch a side hustle or take your passion project to the next level

LEt’s Get Started

Schedule a Free Call

Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consult. Just hit that button below to get set up.

Tell Me More

Watch your email for questions from me. Before we hop on our call, I’d like to know a bit about you and what you’d like to get out of working together.

Talk with Me

At the scheduled time of your consult, we’ll talk! We’ll use the opportunity to make sure we’re a great fit before you commit.

Get Started

Then we’ll get started! If you decide to work with me, I’ll tell you the exact steps for getting started. If you decide not to work with me or if we aren’t a perfect fit, I’m happy to share other resources to help you get what you need.

Need a Course Correction?

Not every problem requires guidance counseling.

Rescue My Routine is a fast, intensive, low-cost personalized plan of action for when you’re struggling to take charge of your day-to-day.

Is Rescue My Routine Right for Me?

I used to have a pretty good routine but I'm struggling now.

Life has changed pretty fast and I thought I was doing okay, but stuff is starting to slip…

I'm on a hamster wheel and I can't get off.

I’m running as hard as I can just to keep up.  No matter how much I get done, it feels like I’m always behind.

If I could just get a sec, I think I'd be okay.

No, seriously, I just need 10 minutes to regroup…but it seems like that’s impossible.

What Is Career Counseling?

Career and guidance counseling is a way to get a grip on your work life – to figure out what’s working and what’s gotta change. By working with a pro, you can get clear on what matters to you and chart a course from where you are to where you want to be.

Yes, even if that doesn’t look like a “normal” job or career!

How do I know if counseling is right for me?

If you’re here, you already know you need some outside help.

Now it’s a matter of finding the right person to talk to!

There’s no one-size-fits-all guaranteed 3-step plan to career success. And there’s no One Counselor To Rule Them All.

Fit is everything!

That’s why we’ll do a free 1:1 consult before committing to anything – both of us should feel this is a great fit. 

Drop me a line or schedule a chat today.

What issues do you help people deal with?

Modern life is kinda messy – there are fewer and fewer boundaries between work and life. So it’s a little pointless to look at just your career or just your personal life and say “That’s that!”

I help you look at the bigger picture and connect the dots on what’s going great, what’s kinda crappy, and how to course-correct.

My specialties include:

  • Burnout recovery & prevention
  • Career change & transition
  • Starting & running a side hustle
  • Navigating a freelance career
  • Presentation & public speaking skills
How long does guidance counseling take?

That depends!

I know, I know: “What a cop-out.” But it’s true! Everyone’s journey is different – that’s the whole point of a Constellation Career.

In our first conversation, we’ll get an idea of where you are and a sense of what it may take to get to where you want to be. Some issues can be sorted out in as little as one or two sessions; some can take a whole lot longer.

Guidance counseling isn’t therapy; you shouldn’t be sticking around for weekly sessions forever.

My goal is to put myself out of a job – because you’re confident in charting your own path forward without me!

What if I'm self-employed? Or want to be?

That’s awesome! I can’t wait to hear about your business.

Entrepreneurs need help and love, too! It’s a tough, sometimes lonely journey – I know, I’ve been there. And it can be especially hard to navigate when you’ve literally thrown the road map out the window and done your own thing.

Whether you’re just starting your side hustle now or you’ve been in the entrepreneurship game for years and just need a little outside perspective, I’m here to help.

How do I know we'll be a good fit to work together?

Finding a counselor is kind of like dating – you have to shop around, be a little picky, know what you’re after, and probably spend more time than you’d like nodding in boredom while someone tells you all about themselves.

You’ve gotta click with your counselor. 

That’s why I don’t offer a free initial 1:1 – I insist on it! We both need to feel confident that this is the right matchup to get you the results you want moving forward.

Just hop on up to the Work With Me page and fill out a short form. We’ll set up your initial conversation and see where it goes!

About Me

Have you ever wished someone would let you in on the secret of how to do this whole “adulting” thing?

Sort of like…a guidance counselor for grownups?


I’m Kate Sullivan, MSc, and I’m here to help you connect the dots on your life and career.

A quick rundown on me:

  • PhD researcher in Work, Well-Being, and Performance Psychology
  • Master’s with Distinction in Business Psychology, Heriot-Watt University
  • 12 years’ experience as a content and brand strategist, managing both startups and heritage brands
  • Entrepreneur since age 6, including 2 successful investor exits

I’m not a therapist; I use applied psychology techniques and entrepreneurial research and practice as your Guidance Counselor for Grownups, helping you see clearly where you’ve been, where you are, and where you may want to go.

Sound interesting? Drop me a line or set up a free 1:1 consult to see if we’re a good fit to work together!

Drop a Line

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Real People, Real Results

A few of my clients and the results I’ve helped them achieve:

Logistics and Operations Manager

Transitioned to remote work; created business plan for virtual events company

Gallery Owner and Jewelry Designer

Refined business plan; launched partnership making artisan cases and covers for personal-safety wearable device

Emotional Intelligence and Psychometrics Consultant

Developed content marketing and personal branding skills

Research Coordinator

Retargeted job search and approach; refined resume, cover letter, and personal brand


Transitioned from freelance to full-time salaried position

Find Your Balance.
Set Your Goals.
Get Unstuck.
Take Charge.

Whatever life is throwing at you, you can manage it! Sometimes all it takes is a little outside perspective to see where you are and figure out where you’re going.

That’s where a Guidance Counselor for Grownups comes in.

I help you take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and figure out what’s really going on – and what really matters to you. Then we zoom in to address specific hotspots, getting you unstuck and feeling confident in the life and career you’re designing.

Ready to connect the dots?

Schedule your free 20-minute consult and let’s get started!

Start Connecting the Dots Today

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